FreakoutITGeek's Blog

Random IT postings from Freakz

Monthly Archives: August 2014

Spudger find

during a recent lunch break, I popped into the Linwood TK Max store with a work colleague.

As usual I took a few minutes looking at the tools, phone covers, headphones, car accessories and the general geeky and man crap that lies unordered on random shelves in a section of the store.

I like having a look in TK Max as I have found some interesting screwdriver sets and other oddities that you don’t often find elsewhere.

My eyes lit up when I spied the following item: A Spudger!!

The pack (see photo) contained a Nylon and metal spudger from “Rolson Quality Tools” for £1.99 [ RRP listed as £3.49 ?] and it’s already been of great use to me when I had to strip down our Virgin Media remote control after it was accidentally drop end and the casing popped open.

The tools won’t last long under heavy use ( there are already deep scores appearing ) but for the occasional use in prying open the odd laptop or home electricals ( thinking my nephew’s game controllers, remote controls etc) they should do the trick.
